Day One
9. 45 - 10. 15 am
10. 30 am
Introduction and Welcome
10. 45 am
Keynote: Rachel Mundy
Title: TBC
11. 45 am
Coffee Break
12 pm
Panel 1: Local Identities
The Spatial Significance of Bird Movement and Vocalisation in an Eastern Indonesian Community
Gregory Forth, Department of Anthropology, University of Alberta, Canada
Rupert de la Bère and the Cranwellian Cranes
Melanie Jackson, Department of Arts & Humanities, Bishop Grosseteste University, UK
The Cuckoo’s Leah: Birds, Naming, Belonging and Place in Early Medieval England
Michael J Warren, Independent Researcher, UK
1. 30 pm
2. 30 pm
Panel 2: Urban Territories
Overhead and Underfoot: The Everyday Proximities of Urban Pigeons
Shawn Bodden, Department of Geography, University of Edinburgh, UK
Making Buildings Hospitable with Swifts
Ariane d’Hoop, Université Saint-Louis, Belgium
Wings in the City: Living with Urban Birds in Greater Paris
Alizé Berthier, Department of Geography, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France
4 pm
Coffee Break
4. 15pm
Panel 3: Aerial Perspective
‘Poetic Birds and Lyric Flights in the Age of the Anthropocene’
Clara Dawson, Department of English & American Studies, University of Manchester, UK
Birds as Intermediaries: a Reading of Aristophanes’, ‘The Birds’
Jeremy Mynott, University of Cambridge, UK
Angels have Bird Wings
Roger Wotton, Division of Biosciences, University College London, UK
6.30 pm
Theatre: Zugunruhe by Tom Bailey
Venue - TBC
The event is free and open to the public
8 pm
Venue - Wolfson College, Cambridge
The event is only for speakers
Day Two
9 am
Keynote: Dolly Jørgensen
Title: Displaying displacement: exhibiting extinct birds and their ecosystems in natural history museums
10 am
Coffee Break
10.15 am
Panel 4: Mobile Margins, Mobile Worlds
The Grey Parrot in the African Anthropocene
Nancy Jacobs, Department of History, Brown University, USA
Migration at the Limit: Mobile Birds Exploring the Edges of Life
Andrew Whitehouse, Department of Anthropology, University of Aberdeen, UK
Savage Magpies: Conceptualising the ‘New World’ through the Beak of a Toucan
Alex Lawrence, Faculty of Medieval & Modern Languages, University of Oxford, UK
11:45 pm
Coffee Break
12 pm
Panel 5: Sharing Outdoor Space
Birds in the Shared Spaces of British Farms from 1960
Paul Merchant, National Life Stories, British Library, UK
The Changing Geographies of Human-Starling relations in the Shared Spaces of the Anthropocene
Andy Morris, Department of Geography, Open University, UK
‘A Close-up’ View of Birds: Bird Reserve Management and the Shaping of Human/Avian Relations, circa 1940-75
Sean Nixon, Department of Sociology, University of Essex, UK
1. 30 pm
2. 30 pm
Panel 6: Artistic Representation of Birds in Space and Imagination
Matt Howard, poet and conservationist, UK
The Exploitation and Veneration of Birds: Past, Present and Future
Rebecca Jewell, Independent Researcher, UK
Centuries of Crafted Bird Lines Face Logo Times
Susan Clayton, Université Paris Diderot, Université Paris VII, France
Falling Birds
Helena Hunter, Independent Researcher, UK
For the Birds? Rehabilitating Animals, Rehabilitating Animality at Chicken Sanctuaries
Heather Rosenfeld, University of Wisconsin, USA
4 pm
Coffee Break
4. 15 pm
Reflection on the workshop
Philip Howell, University of Cambridge